First let’s talk about prevention. You should assure that two people are authorized to draw funds from your CIL grant into your bank account. It is possible that the one person who is authorized will have a personal emergency, win the lottery, or be dismissed from employment. If they are the only one who can draw funds, you probably will have a delay in being able to access your federal dollars.
Since you can only draw those funds if you expend them within 48 hours, you may not have any reserve in your account. In fact, you SHOULD NOT have a reserve unless you have projects that provide you with other funds. And the reality is, it takes from three days to a week to be authorized to draw the funds directly. Payroll and other bills are looming. Be ready. If you want to keep the cash flow going, have two people who can meet this critical need.
When someone leaves the organization, you need to remove them from eligibility, and you need to add someone. Here are the instructions for those processes. You can also contact the help desk for assistance.

First you need to submit a PMS/FFR User Form to deactivate the access for an existing PMS account — the one vacated when the director left. Then you need to add one or two people to the account as users. To obtain and submit the PMS/FFR user form, please follow the steps below:
1. Go to ???.
2. On the left side of the page, click GRANT RECIPIENT INFO.
3. Under Grant Recipient Info, click FORMS.
4. Click on the PMS/FFR USER FORM link.
5. The PMS/FFR user form will open in a browser window.
6. Check the box next to DEACTIVATE USER ACCESS and enter the PMS Username in the appropriate field. If you do not know the PMS Username, enter the first and last name of the person whose account is to be deactivated in the field.
7. Complete the remaining fields in the form.
8. Print a hard copy of the form.
9. Your supervisor must sign the form on section 5. If you are the highest ranking official at your organization, you may sign on section 5.
10. Fax the form to the fax number listed at the bottom of the form for processing.
Once the form has been received by DPM, it typically takes three business days to process.
If you need help, contact the Help Desk. The ONE-DHHS Help Desk for PMS Support is now available Monday – Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET (except Federal Holidays) Phone (877) 614-5533 Email
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