Effective Dates

Q-9. When are the revisions to the Uniform Guidance published on August 13, 2020 effective?The effective date of the revisions to the Uniform Guidance published in 85 FR 49506 on August 13, 2020 is November 12, 2020, except for the amendments to §§ 200.216 and 200.340, which are effective August 13, 2020.

Q-15. How does the effective date apply to negotiated indirect cost rates? Existing negotiated indirect cost rates will generally remain in place until they are due to be renegotiated. The non-Federal entity must review its current indirect cost rate proposal or previously negotiated rate to ensure that it does not include any major conflicts with the revised Uniform Guidance (e.g., costs for covered telecommunications services or equipment). If there is a conflict, the non-Federal entity should work with the cognizant agency for indirect costs to ensure compliance with the revised Uniform Guidance.

Q-61. Will this prohibition impact awards that use the de minimis indirect cost rate, as the 10 percent is based on MTDC and not specific indirect costs elements? No, the prohibition on covered telecommunications and video surveillance services or equipment does not affect a non-Federal entity’s use of the de minimis indirect cost rate; however, the non-Federal entity must review its costs used to determine its de minimis indirect cost rate to ensure that unallowable costs are not included in the calculation. The MTDC cannot include unallowable costs in its calculation of the de minimis indirect cost rate.

Q-62. When a recipient normally charges prohibited services or equipment through their indirect cost pool, can a Federal award cover the same recipient’s indirect costs? No, like other unallowable costs, covered telecommunications and video surveillance services or equipment costs must not be charged either directly or indirectly to Federal awards. The recipient must separately negotiate an indirect cost rate for their Federal awards that excludes these costs from the indirect cost pool and base amount chargeable to its Federal award(s).

  • Q-63. How will covered telecommunications equipment or services as a new unallowable expense be implemented for indirect cost rates? Federally approved indirect cost rate agreements generally do not need to be reopened or amended, but may need to be adjusted in accordance with 2 CFR §200.411. The non-Federal entity must review its current indirect cost rate proposal or previously negotiated rate to ensure that it does not include expenses associated with covered telecommunications equipment or services because the non-Federal entity must certify that the costs included in its proposal are allowable.

•If a non-Federal entity has not included the covered telecommunications equipment or services, then it should include a statement with each indirect cost proposal affirming that it has not included any costs described in 2 CFR §200.216.

•If a non-Federal entity finds that it has included the covered telecommunications equipment or services in an indirect cost proposal currently under review or a previously negotiated rate, then it should immediately contact the cognizant agency for indirect costs to revise the indirect cost proposal or negotiated rate

More from the revisions to the Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200 – Indirect Cost Rates

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