We know we can’t pay great staff as much as we would like to pay them. Other than the paycheck what can we do to encourage staff and reduce staff burnout and turnover? Or, so we want to assist staff in moving on into other areas in the community so that our reach with IL philosophy goes farther? Join the discussion and bring your own ideas to share.
At the May monthly calls with Executive Directors and with Program Managers, everyone pitched in to identify what things helped them to feel satisfied in a job. Here is what they shared:
- Appreciation. Thank your employees face to face and in the moment, when they do something that benefits the organization or its consumers.
- Tangible thank yous in the form of hand-written thank you notes or certificates of appreciation.
- Open door policy. Employees want to know they are important enough to you to get your attention and talk a few moments when they come to your office.
- Good training on what their job is and how to do it.
- Once they have experience, trust that they can do the job without someone micro-managing them. Some centers create a “results only” environment where the daily schedule is flexible as long as specific results are met. A weekly coaching call helps keep everyone on track.
- They are included in training, planning, and always know what is unfolding in your organization.
- Buy-in to the Independent Living Philosophy and excited about advocacy and social change.
- You value their input and opinions when you are making decisions.
- Spontaneous food — brunch, lunch, ice cream — in the break room with a note thanking the employees for their hard work.
- Recognition by the board or the community. Recognize employment milestones, impressive advocacy results, or other accomplishments with a presentation at a board meeting or an article in the local paper.
If you are a new (less than two years) Executive Director, join our ED call on the second Monday of the month at 3:00 p.m. Eastern time. Associate Directors, Assistant Directors, Program Managers or other middle management staff talk on the second Thursday of the month, also at 3:00 p.m. Eastern time. The call in number is 1-888-652-4360 and the access code is 1891#. If you will need real time captioning to participate in the call, please contact Sharon Finney no later than Noon on the Monday before the call at sfinney@ilru.org or 713.797.7129.
If you have a topic you’d like to see discussed, drop a note to Paula at paulamcelwee-ilru@yahoo.com.
Illustration © Can Stock Photo Inc. /brookebecker http://www.canstockphoto.com