The disability community has been raising red flags regarding institutions for decades. We must continue to elevate the voices of disabled people to ensure they have community-based services in the community. We wish our community would have been heard and
Can we buy T-shirts with our grant and sell them?
Question: Do you know of any rule or federal law that prohibits us at the State level (SILC) from selling T-shirts or doing any other type of fundraising or collecting donations to our organization. Our funding is minuscule and we
The growing role of Centers with Youth
All of our on-site training, with the IL-Net team, is amazing. As we get set for the new school year, I want to show you some of the ideas from one on youth. I was totally impressed at the energy
When is a Youth receiving Transition Services?
Question: We have a question concerning documentation of youth transition services. When a Center provides services to a youth during the summer, when still enrolled in school but during summer break, how should this be documented? Would this service be
7 Frequently Asked Questions about Youth Transition
Independent Living Services for Children and Youth with Disabilities (continued from May 2) On April 14, 2017, Bob Williams, Director of Independent Living Administration, provided additional explanation regarding services by Centers to youth, related both to the more traditional IL
Who are the Youth in Youth Transition?
Independent Living Services for Children and Youth with Disabilities On April 14, 2017, Bob Williams, Director of Independent Living Administration, provided additional explanation regarding services by Centers to youth, related both to the more traditional IL services and to the
How do I keep track of new service of transition?
Regarding a recent question about the 704 report — thank you to Deborah A. Cotter, Independent Living Program Specialist with Independent Living Administration for this clarification: Since the current 704 report is unchanged and does not address the new service
Consumer Control? Disability Community?
I get to visit a lot of centers, and meet a lot of people who work for CILs or SILCs or are on the board of one. I see centers that are “service providers” and, in contrast, centers that are
Create, FUND and Implement Local Advocacy and Leadership Training
As a movement we are all about Advocacy. We show up at important meetings — to testify, to challenge assumptions, to get the word out about what the disability community wants, needs, and has a right to. Our staff are
SILCs/DSEs Guidance: How to submit 704 Report Part I for the past fiscal year…
ACL has requested that we publish this guidance for all the SILCs and DSEs related to the 704 Report Submission: Dear Colleague: Provided below is submission information, key guidance and tips for submitting the 704 Part I Report, for FY