As the state networks wind down their work in developing a SPIL, I am weary and discouraged at how many of the networks are fighting with each other. It isn’t so bad when CILs and the SILC are collaborating and
How can your board find a new Executive Director with a disability?
The rules for consumer control indicate that 51% of your managers must have a disability. In smaller centers where there is only one manager — the Executive Director — the board must hire a person with a disability. Even if
Answering the questions of the new CIL Executive Director
Do you remember your first day on the job? That flutter of excitement and apprehension? The navigation of new terms and new requirements that no one warned you about? We offer technical assistance to a new Executive Director in a
Be particular about Consumer Control
Consumer control is the foundation of Independent Living, and permeates the board, staff and management of Centers as well as the Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC). The requirements are clear: More than 50% (51% or more) of the board members
Board Recruitment tips for CILs
Does your board of directors have the expertise needed to oversee your organization? Are all your board positions full? Are you planning for the day when members rotate off your board? You should always be on the lookout for good
Disability Determination and Consumer Control
Consumer control is an important foundational philosophy of Independent Living. Centers are required to have more than 50% board members who are people with significant disabilities, and more than 50% staff, and managers, who have disabilities. SILCs must have more
How do I teach consumer control to staff?
Question: I’m particularly focused on boundaries and personal choice as reminder to existing peers in their work with consumers. As happens with many of us in any human service in our desire to “help,” I’ve had a couple situations in
Privacy and Confidentiality

What are the privacy rights of the people you serve? Can they expect staff to keep visits and personal information private? Do you need consumers to sign a release of information? If yes, when? Some centers seem like tight-knit communities,
How does a center determine eligibility?
Question: At a recent staff meeting, staff were asking for clarification about our Eligibility Statement on our consumer intake form and what exactly they were certifying by signing. I am embarrassed to say that I did not have a good
Staff that do too much?

Question: I’m looking at the ILRU website hoping to find an existing training on Boundaries … topics like doing things for consumers rather than empowering them, stepping on consumers’ toes, respecting consumer privacy, etc. I’ve been having some difficulty with