Photo of Heveron, in suit and tie. He is a white male, graying auburn hair and mustache, and is smiling.

John is a principal of Heveron & Company CPAs.  He has been serving not-for-profit organizations since 1969 with proper controls and procedures, financial reporting systems, entity planning, planning and reviewing audits, compliance audits and other audit services, assistance with indirect cost rates, as well as assisting with planning.

Specific services to our not-for-profit clients include:

  • Audit planning and financial statement review.
  • Review of exempt organization annual filings.
  • Consulting regarding the tax aspects and accounting requirements for related organizations.
  • Consulting regarding planned giving, and regarding requirements for contributions and other revenue.
  • Training regarding internal controls, budget development, expense allocation, retirement plan matters, federal compliance, indirect cost rates, cost allocation plans and other administrative areas.
  • Assistance with selection and implementation of proper accounting systems.
  • Assistance with internal and external financial reporting
  • Assistance with application for indirect cost rates in cost allocation plans.

John keeps his technical skills sharp through writing and teaching.  He has authored Nonprofit GPS, a quarterly newsletter with current information for nonprofits for over 20 years.

John has been a presenter on not-for-profit issues for the Foundation for Accounting Education, United Way of Greater Rochester, The Ad Council, The IL-Net Training and Technical Assistance Center for Indepmendent Living, New York State Literacy Volunteers, and other organizations.

John is a past president of the Rochester Chapter of the New York State Society of CPAs and was inducted into their CPA Hall of Fame in October 2004, and a past director of the NY State Foundation for Accounting Education.  He is program committee chair, nonprofit group leader, and past president of INPACT, a national association of CPA firms.

John also serves on the accounting advisory board of St. John Fisher College where he was recognized as the 2003 Outstanding Accounting Alumnus.