Do you remember your first day on the job? That flutter of excitement and apprehension? The navigation of new terms and new requirements that no one warned you about? We offer technical assistance to a new Executive Director in a number of ways. We have a monthly Technical Assistance call for executive directors, typically the second Monday of the month, and discuss a different topic each month, with input from ILRU and from peers in the field. If desired, Paula McElwee sets up a regular call (frequency determined by the new ED) to touch base on emerging issues and to clarify regulations and other requirements. This blog is another resource, and new EDs are encouraged to subscribe so you receive notices of new posts to your email. And now we have what I believe is the best ever resource for new EDs of Centers for Independent Living. It is called the Management 101 Tool Kit for New CIL Executive Directors.

This tool kit is designed for the new executive director of a Center for Independent Living (CIL) and its purpose is to focus attention on the most important aspects of the job. Concrete action steps are provided in easy to use checklists, bullet points, and dos and don’ts organized to help the new ED. The 17 sections of the tool kit provide information on a range of topics including the definition of a CIL, budget and finance, engaging and supporting the board of directors, strategic planning, and many more.
As a new ED, this resource is invaluable and will help you complete things you didn’t know were required, like updating the registrations on various websites. Experienced EDs may find the resource useful, as well, for getting back to the basics and remembering the CIL’s mission and requirements.