It’s that time of year again. There are floods, landslide, road washouts and more in California. Weather events happen all across the country. Blizzards. Earthquakes. Tornadoes. Ice storms. Recent fires in the Tennessee towns of Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge burned at the end of November. Many victims had mere minutes to evacuate, escaping with only the clothes they were wearing at the time.

What is your center, or your statewide network, doing to plan for such an emergency in your back yard? There are a number of states that have taken action. Here are some examples of what you might do to prepare.

  • Work with local authorities to compile key emergency information to provide to all your consumers.
  • Make sure that people with disabilities are included on the planning boards and commissions in your community, and that all plans include the needs of people with disabilities.
  • Train first responders in the rescue of people with disability.
  • Assure there is a local shelter that is accessible.
  • Assist individual consumers in developing emergency plans and “go bags”.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has compiled a list of items that are considered to be a necessary part of each household’s Basic Disaster Supplies kit. The availability of these items can make it possible to shelter in place for several days in the event of emergencies that make it impossible to leave the home. Prolonged power outages, loss of water supply or road closures due to flooding or snow are just a few examples of what might make sheltering in place necessary.

Some of this may be taken with you as a “go bag” if you are required to evacuate for any reason. There are probably also specific items related to your disability that need to be included.

  • Medication in the original bottle
  • Backup batteries for assistive devices, tablets, and phones.
  • A week’s worth of disposable supplies.
  • Copies of key identifying information (photo identification, medical insurance cards)

Thanks to the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation and their post of Mike Collins’ comments on the subject.

Are you ready for that emergency?

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