Question: I am interested in your thoughts on something. I know we’ve always said that the indirect costs are not the same as G&A. However, when we submit the proposal we have to include the statement of functional expenses from
A dozen ways to reduce the risk of theft
It happened again just a few weeks ago. This isn’t the first time a center has been victimized by employee theft. And usually it is the bookkeeper or accountant, someone you trusted. Often they are not small thefts, but larger
What are some interview questions for candidates for the Executive Director position?

We are seeing a lot of Executive Director positions open up as the Baby Boomers retire. Here are some potential questions for the interview, and a few tips as well. Interview Questions for candidates for Executive Director Tell us a
Privacy and Confidentiality

What are the privacy rights of the people you serve? Can they expect staff to keep visits and personal information private? Do you need consumers to sign a release of information? If yes, when? Some centers seem like tight-knit communities,