Aaron Taylor from ACL recently presented updated information to the IL stakeholders at the quarterly meeting. You can find that full call, including his presentation, here. Here are some key highlights: The changes in 2 CFR 200 can be applied
Buying a Building-Can You, Should You
by John Heveron There are several things to consider when you contemplate purchasing a building, and if you are funded primarily with federal grants and intend to use those monies for some or all of your purchase, the first thing
Does your board understand what they should and should not do?
I was talking to a relatively new executive director. She’d been in the job about six months. She asked me a question then, before I could answer, another person leaned into her ZOOM frame and answered it for her. I
Lobbying: What can SILCs and CILs do?
The first rule is that you cannot ever endorse a candidate. (This has to do with IRS rules around non-profit status, if you have that, and rules against state entities endorsing candidates if you are not a non-profit.) Since all
Independence Day
THIS! This is what we are talking about when we talk about “independent living”. Not where someone lives so much as their freedom to live where they want. Not some program or service so much as how each person can
The origins of Independent Living
the origins and the purpose of Independent Living, as told by Ed Roberts and as reprinted from the Mouth, one of two disability magazines from the early days of the IL movement. John Hessler was the second student to come
Warehouses of Neglect…
The disability community has been raising red flags regarding institutions for decades. We must continue to elevate the voices of disabled people to ensure they have community-based services in the community. We wish our community would have been heard and
Who is the enemy?
Republished with permission from Kimberly Tissot of Able South Carolina. Note: This is from a couple of years ago but the event still has value as a teaching moment. I’ve had a hell of a week and I need kindness.
Disaster fantasies – how to manage risks
Do you have fears or qualms about anything happening in and around your center? Take a few minutes to make some notes — what do you worry about? If you aren’t a worrier, what things have you seen go wrong
Why can’t we all get along?
As the state networks wind down their work in developing a SPIL, I am weary and discouraged at how many of the networks are fighting with each other. It isn’t so bad when CILs and the SILC are collaborating and