Your center is required to have a three year financial and program plan*, and you report on that in your annual Program Performance Report. It isn’t called a strategic plan in the requirements, and you have a lot of flexibility
Tools for board self-assessment
The Maine Association of Nonprofits has perfectly summed up the critical importance of regular self-assessments for boards: A strong, vibrant board of directors is a clear indicator of a healthy organization. Yet even the best organizations need a periodic check-up
Board self-assessment – a tool for your board to take it to the next level
This past couple of years have been out-of-the-ordinary. Or maybe have presented us with a new normal (or most probably some of both). Either way, the board as well as the management of your center have had to navigate new
Dos and Don’ts of Donor Recognition
How do you recognize donors? Working on your annual report? The article below has a link regarding modernizing the report and making it exciting, but it also addresses a key area of donor recognition – printing the names of donors.
What other services can a center provide?
All centers are required to provide what are called in the Rehabilitation Act and the regulations in 45 CFR 1329 (definitions) “core services”. Those services are: Independent living core services mean, for purposes of services that are supported under the
The best definition of Ableism I’ve found …
From Sitting Pretty: The view from my ordinary, resilient, disabled body by Rebeka Taussig, PhD. “It feels like a risk relying on the word “ableism,” but I want to use it here, because I’m hoping to assemble something with you—something
How Assistive Technology can support those experiencing “Long COVID”
What Are “Post-COVID Conditions (Long COVID)?” According to the CDC, post-COVID conditions are “a wide range of new, returning, or ongoing health problems people can experience four or more weeks after first being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19.”
What is the role of the board?
Question: My board chair is questioning a recent decision I made about a staff member’s performance. I thought supervising staff was my job. Can she, for example, tell me I have to reinstate him after I fired him? Answer: This
Defending against Cybercrime
Cybersecurity continues to be a hot topic. CNN recently reported that in 2020, ransom payments were up more than 400% from the prior year. CNN had some insights and some cautions for organizations that may be victims of cybercrime. If
Does the executive order apply?
The morning after President Biden announced the Executive Orders related to required vaccines, I received a flood of calls/emails asking, “Does that apply to us?” The orders were for federal contractors. CILs that receive direct grants (Part C) are grantees,