Every state is required to develop and implement a State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL), developed jointly by all the Centers for Independent Living (CILs) in the state (signed by a majority of them) and the Council. Your Statewide Independent
The latest on Program Performance Reports (PPRs, formerly 704 reports) from ACL
Here is correspondence from your funder regarding your annual reporting, which is typically due December 31. Note that the CILs are submitting only CARES Act reporting in GrantSolutions at this time, and this is due no later than 12/31/2020 at
Closing in on year-end — what you should do now
Your current federal Part C grants are winding down for the year. By September 29 you will have encumbered any remaining funds, or they will be absorbed back into the U.S. Treasury. (You won’t see them disappear from your account
How do we count services that happen in groups or electronically?
Note: while your Program Performance Reports (PPRs formerly 704 Reports) were submitted in December, you are continuing to collect data for the year we are in. In fact, you are over a quarter into the next year. Be sure to
Who are sub-recipients? And is that related to signing the SPIL?
Question from a SILC: Are the CIL’s considered a sub-recipient? Because I see where I should maintain the following on a sub-recipient. Is this a correct list that ensures they are eligible to participate in the SPIL? Articles of Incorporation
I’m retiring. How can I assist my successor?

We have talked about succession planning before — how an executive director can assist the board in a transition to a new executive director. I’d like to drill down to a very specific role that the out-going ED plays —
Who can we count in Peer Support or other group classes?
Question: I have a question about peer support groups or groups where we teach IL skills. For example, a small group where consumers can connect with one another or learn about resources (e.g., housing), or teaching skills such as money management.
How do we count Information and Referral services?
Information and Referral is the one core service that you can provide without setting up a Consumer Service Record for the individual. That doesn’t mean that you won’t need to keep information and follow up with the person. The
A recap of core services and other service options for CILs
The recent update to the regulations, which I am attaching and which are found in 45 CFR Part 1329, provide definitions for some of the core services, but not all. In addition, the definitions are not all-encompassing. In other words, they
How do I keep track of new service of transition?
Regarding a recent question about the 704 report — thank you to Deborah A. Cotter, Independent Living Program Specialist with Independent Living Administration for this clarification: Since the current 704 report is unchanged and does not address the new service