by John Heveron The US Department of Labor has proposed changing how workers get classified as employees or independent contractors again. Changes under the Trump administration made it easier for businesses and nonprofits to classify workers as independent contractors by
What is the role of the board?
Question: My board chair is questioning a recent decision I made about a staff member’s performance. I thought supervising staff was my job. Can she, for example, tell me I have to reinstate him after I fired him? Answer: This
What are some interview questions for candidates for the Executive Director position?

We are seeing a lot of Executive Director positions open up as the Baby Boomers retire. Here are some potential questions for the interview, and a few tips as well. Interview Questions for candidates for Executive Director Tell us a
Tips for bringing a new CIL ED on board
I would probably customize a training plan based on what the new executive director already knows. If s/he has worked for a center in the past, s/he may not need history and philosophy but might need board and finance training.
Affirmative Action — a twist on Consumer Control
Embed from Getty Images You already know that your center is required to be consumer controlled. This means that a majority of staff AND management staff must be persons with disabilities, and that a majority of board members must be
Are your paying your consumer as an employee or a contractor?
The center has some odd jobs around the place — lawn mowing, cleaning, maybe web development or support of the Facebook page. Some centers pay consumers as peer support mentors. Is it okay to hire a consumer to do
Clarify and agree — in writing!
Back in the 1980s, when I was a very young manager of a new Center in Kansas, the Rehabilitation Services Administration’s regional office brought in a speaker named John Conway to talk to centers and other RSA funded entities about
Tips for Boards — Evaluating the Executive Director
There are several elements to a good evaluation. Let me mention those first. I like to see evaluations which: Make sure that the evaluation is a good match for the job description. You may even want to go through job
Are you collaborating with the Veterans’ Administration? You should be.
Centers that are close to Veterans’ organizations geographically have partnered with them in a number of ways. Often centers share in group meetings specific to veterans or to a specific disability experienced by veterans as part of their Peer Support