The disability community has been raising red flags regarding institutions for decades. We must continue to elevate the voices of disabled people to ensure they have community-based services in the community. We wish our community would have been heard and
The best definition of Ableism I’ve found …
From Sitting Pretty: The view from my ordinary, resilient, disabled body by Rebeka Taussig, PhD. “It feels like a risk relying on the word “ableism,” but I want to use it here, because I’m hoping to assemble something with you—something
What are “Accessible Formats”?
If you have attended any of the national Independent Living events — and hopefully state and local ones as well — you have heard the term “accessible formats” as in, “you must request accessible formats in advance”. If you are
The Olmstead Decision in real life.
From The story of the Olmstead case begins with two women, Lois Curtis and Elaine Wilson, who had mental illness and developmental disabilities, and were voluntarily admitted to the psychiatric unit in the State-run Georgia Regional Hospital. Following the
Staff that do too much?

Question: I’m looking at the ILRU website hoping to find an existing training on Boundaries … topics like doing things for consumers rather than empowering them, stepping on consumers’ toes, respecting consumer privacy, etc. I’ve been having some difficulty with
Affirmative Action — a twist on Consumer Control
Embed from Getty Images You already know that your center is required to be consumer controlled. This means that a majority of staff AND management staff must be persons with disabilities, and that a majority of board members must be
More about Asset-Based Community Development
While I am no expert in the science of Asset-Based Community Development,the ideas ring true to me. I like the concept of leading from our strengths, both individually and in community. All of us have gifts, areas where we are
Disability Rights — Have we achieved equal access and protection?
When I teach about the history and philosophy of Independent Living, I go back to the 1960s and describe the times. I lived in the St. Louis area then, and I remember the race riots in East St. Louis on