Every state is required to develop and implement a State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL), developed jointly by all the Centers for Independent Living (CILs) in the state (signed by a majority of them) and the Council. Your Statewide Independent
What can the DSE keep in administrative fees for distributing our Part B, Independent Living Services grants?
The regulations are clear on this. 45 CFR 1329.12 Role of the designated State entity states: (a) A DSE that applies for and receives assistance must: (1) Receive, account for, and disburse funds received by the State under Part B
Who are sub-recipients? And is that related to signing the SPIL?
Question from a SILC: Are the CIL’s considered a sub-recipient? Because I see where I should maintain the following on a sub-recipient. Is this a correct list that ensures they are eligible to participate in the SPIL? Articles of Incorporation
Take time to listen to each other!
Is it just me, or does there seem to be more bickering in the world than there used to be? You can see it in almost every relationship — between countries, between races, between political parties and candidates, between other
Are we required to do criminal background checks for staff?
Question: I’ve previously worked in long term care and with the department of health, and had some experience in group home services governed by the department over developmental disabilities. Those fields had very strict guidelines on processing a new hire.
Getting started on our SPIL
Question: I have a question. For the SPIL, since this is my first one coming up, will I form a committee to write the SPIL then after its done being wrote send to the DSE, CIL, and SILC chair for
Understanding Your CIL’s Audited Financial Statements
by John F Heveron, Jr. Principal, Heveron and Company CPAs, Rochester NY Here is a quick overview of audited financial statements and what to look for when reading them. Auditors Cover Letter/Opinion This is addressed to the board and is
Designated State Entity Assurances
Whether you are with the Designated State Entity or the SILC or a Center that receives Part B money, these new (and not yet implemented) assurances will be of interest to you. One of the most common difficulties reported between
The SILC Indicators are here…let’s talk SILC policies and procedures
Whether or not your SILC is a 501(c)(3) entity, you need written policies and procedures to guide how you do business. Let’s take a moment to highlight the first of the Statewide Independent Living Council Indicators*, which is all about
Nine ideas for managing cash flow if the DSE’s payments are delayed
John F Heveron Jr., CPA Heveron and Company CPAs, provided this excellent resource: Recommendations for State Independent Living Councils to Deal with Cash Flow Challenges Resulting from Delayed Payments from the DSE October 2016 For some SILCs, restrictions in advances