The first rule is that you cannot ever endorse a candidate. (This has to do with IRS rules around non-profit status, if you have that, and rules against state entities endorsing candidates if you are not a non-profit.) Since all
Is my CIL required to report to the SILC? Why? How?
Every state is required to develop and implement a State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL), developed jointly by all the Centers for Independent Living (CILs) in the state (signed by a majority of them) and the Council. Your Statewide Independent
What can the DSE keep in administrative fees for distributing our Part B, Independent Living Services grants?
The regulations are clear on this. 45 CFR 1329.12 Role of the designated State entity states: (a) A DSE that applies for and receives assistance must: (1) Receive, account for, and disburse funds received by the State under Part B
How to initiate internal controls in your one-person SILC office
It is all about internal controls. Internal controls assure that more than one person reviews all financial transactions, and that more than one person is involved in any chain of events related to a transaction. When there is a single
Be particular about Consumer Control
Consumer control is the foundation of Independent Living, and permeates the board, staff and management of Centers as well as the Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC). The requirements are clear: More than 50% (51% or more) of the board members
Is it a conflict for the CIL rep to chair the SILC?
I want to say first that it is not a conflict of interest for a CIL staff member to serve in any office on the SILC, including as chair. The regulations only require that the chair be a voting member,
Four key checks for SILCs
Your Statewide Independent Living Council operates under a set of rules found in section 705 of the Rehabilitation Act and in the SILC Indicators and SILC and DSE Assurances. Here are some key items that your SILC must not overlook:
Is your SILC keeping up?
There are urgent things that every SILC must do in the next few months. Get final approval for the current plan. For some of you, your current State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL), which was updated or amended, hasn’t been
Who are sub-recipients? And is that related to signing the SPIL?
Question from a SILC: Are the CIL’s considered a sub-recipient? Because I see where I should maintain the following on a sub-recipient. Is this a correct list that ensures they are eligible to participate in the SPIL? Articles of Incorporation
Are Resource Development Costs direct or indirect?
First a refresher — while fund raising costs are not typically allowed with federal dollars, the Rehabilitation Act specifically requires centers, and allows SILCs, to conduct Resource Development. Rule number one, always call your activities to increase your resources (including