Aaron Taylor from ACL recently presented updated information to the IL stakeholders at the quarterly meeting. You can find that full call, including his presentation, here. Here are some key highlights: The changes in 2 CFR 200 can be applied
Buying a Building-Can You, Should You
by John Heveron There are several things to consider when you contemplate purchasing a building, and if you are funded primarily with federal grants and intend to use those monies for some or all of your purchase, the first thing
Disaster fantasies – how to manage risks
Do you have fears or qualms about anything happening in and around your center? Take a few minutes to make some notes — what do you worry about? If you aren’t a worrier, what things have you seen go wrong
Are you a new ED? We have some support for you.
Hello, and welcome to the training and technical assistance options for you as a new Executive Director of a Center for Independent Living. I hope you will be interested in the monthly Executive Director Call. They take place on the
Leases – A big change in the accounting rules
by John Heveron It has been well publicized that accounting for leases is changing dramatically, but most of us are just getting our first hands-on experience with this change. The new rules are being implemented for calendar year 2022 and
Independent Contractor V. Employee Guidance yet Again
by John Heveron The US Department of Labor has proposed changing how workers get classified as employees or independent contractors again. Changes under the Trump administration made it easier for businesses and nonprofits to classify workers as independent contractors by
Can I use grant funding to establish incentive programs? New FAQ released.
Recently our key funder, ACL, released information on using grant funds to purchase incentive items as part of the program of a center. While this FAQ answers the pressing question of incentives related to CDC and ACL funds and COVID-19,
What can the DSE keep in administrative fees for distributing our Part B, Independent Living Services grants?
The regulations are clear on this. 45 CFR 1329.12 Role of the designated State entity states: (a) A DSE that applies for and receives assistance must: (1) Receive, account for, and disburse funds received by the State under Part B
Answering the questions of the new CIL Executive Director
Do you remember your first day on the job? That flutter of excitement and apprehension? The navigation of new terms and new requirements that no one warned you about? We offer technical assistance to a new Executive Director in a
2 CFR 200.216 Prohibition on certain telecommunications and video surveillance services or equipment.
Recently the regulations around how you as a grantee or subgrantee spend money have changed. Here is a new section for your consideration. You are prohibited from using federal dollars to procure or obtain certain equipment manufactured in or sold